
Using iptables to block ips that spam or attack your server

Check Configuring iptables on CentOS post.

Why should you do that while APF or CSF can do it automatically?
Because APF/CSF could block an important bot testing your server to add to search index. So reviewing every ip would be a daily task!
Ok, so how?
using RHEL4, centos4

  • first you need to create file ‘badips’ in say ‘var’ dir
  • edit your ‘/etc/init.d/iptables’
    1. #vi /etc/init.d/iptables
    2. go to 'start() {'
    3. #insert these lines before 'touch $VAR_SUBSYS_IPTABLES'
    4. #banning BAD IPS
    5. if [ -f /var/badips ]
    6. then
    7. for BAD_IP in `cat /var/badips`
    8. do
    9. iptables -I INPUT -s $BAD_IP -j DROP
    10. echo 'ip '$BAD_IP' banned'
    11. echo
    12. done
    13. else
    14. echo "Can't read /var/badips"
    15. fi
  • add the bad ips into /var/badips file separated by newline
    1. #echo '' >> /var/badip
  • restart your iptables
    1. /etc/init.d/iptables restart

    Ok but how about a nice PHP script which would do that without getting into ssh?

    1. $file = '/var/badips';
    2. #remove IP use ?do=rm&ip=
    3. $arr = array_map('rtrim',file($file));
    4. if($_GET['do']=='rm'){
    5. unset($arr[array_search($_GET['ip'],$arr)]);
    6. if(file_put_contents($file,implode("\n",$arr)))
    7. echo $_GET['ip'].' removed';
    8. }else{ #add ip ?ip=
    9. #duplicated ip
    10. if(is_array($arr) && in_array($_GET['ip'],$arr)) echo $_GET['ip'].' exits';
    11. else{
    12. exec("/sbin/iptables -I INPUT -s {$_GET['ip']} -j DROP");
    13. exec("/etc/init.d/iptables restart",$output);
    14. if(file_put_contents($file,"{$_GET['ip']}\n",FILE_APPEND))
    15. echo $_GET['ip'].' Banned';
    16. }
    17. exec("cat {$file}",$output);
    18. }
    19. print_r($output);

    add the script to file ban.php and make sure file ‘badips’ is 666 writable then excute ban.php?ip= to ban this ip or ban.php?ip= to remove it from the banned ips

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