My own topics
I recently installed Disqus plugin for WordPress; however, I have been receiving this message “unable to connect to the disqus api servers.” By looking into the source code, it looks like curl is the problem! more specifically the _dsq_curl_urlopen() function, but I did not investigate this error further. As fortunately, we can easily switch to the alternative function _dsq_fsockopen_urlopen().
– Make sure to check CentOS, PHP-FPM, memcached and MYSQL posts.
– get a fresh package from Swatch project
wget ""
tar xfz swatch-3.2.3.tar.gz
cd swatch-3.2.3
cpan -i Date::Format File::Tail
cpan -i Date::Manip Date::Calc
cpan -i Test::Inter Test::Pod Test::Pod::Coverage Module::Build
cp /root/.cpan/sources/authors/id/S/SB/SBECK/Date-Manip-* .
tar xfz Date-Manip-*.tar.gz
cd Date-Manip-*
perl Build.PL
./Build install
cd ..
perl Makefile.PL
make install
– configure swatch
– Make sure to check PHP-FPM post.
– install from source
yum remove curl curl-devel
tar xfj curl-7.24.0.tar.bz2
cd curl-7.24.0
./configure --prefix=/usr
make install
#check version
curl -V
– To install with support
./configure --with-curl=/usr --with-curlwrappers
Check Installing CentOS 6.2 on VMware post.
– make sure SELINUX is disabled and iptables is configured for FTP
– add ftp user
adduser ftpuser -g ftp -s /sbin/nologin -d /server
#set password
passwd ftpuser
– configuration, more info