
Install Sphinx 2.0.4 on CentOS 6.2

– Make sure to check CentOS, PHP-FPM, Nginx, memcached and MYSQL posts.

– Get fresh RPM from

– Install Sphinx

rpm -Uhv

– Create sample MySQL database

USE `Sample_DB`;

  `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `url` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  `Title` varchar(1024) NOT NULL,
  `Description` varchar(4000) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)

INSERT INTO `sites` (`url`, `Title`, `Description`) VALUES
( '', 'Cole, Peter', 'A gallery of 1100 plus adeventure sports images organized and presented in thumbnail/popup album form using PHP/mySQL on an Apache/Linux server.'),
( '', 'Custom Web Apps', 'PHP/MYSQL Web-based software development company'),
( '', 'DynamicPros', 'Professional web programming services. Specializing in MySQL and e-commerce solutions.'),
( '', 'Sagayam, Christopher', 'Perl and CGI consultant with experience in Perl, Linux, NT, MySQL, MS-SQL, CGI, internet programming.'),
( '', 'Fortune, Chris', 'Freelance computer programmer in PHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS, Javascript, DHTML, Perl, CGI, ecommerce.'),
( '', 'Klimov, Victor', 'Main expertise is designing customized web based applications using PHP and MySQL for Linux, Unix and Windows NT platforms.'),
( '', 'Rasmussen, Sean', 'Internet systems developer, using languages and tools like Java, Perl, PHP, and SQL (Oracle, Mysql. Sun Java Certified. Seeks either contract or permanent employment.'),
( '', 'Owen, Dalin S.', 'Network security professional: Linux, UNIX, MS, C/C++, Perl, Apache, Qmail, MySQL, Tripwire, IPF, IPFW, PF, IPCHAINS, IPBUCKETS, Snort.'),
( '', 'Kickfire', 'Database appliance based on MySQL.'),
( '', 'Evoknow, Inc.', 'Full service company developing scalable Web applications in PHP and MySQL. Sacramento, California.'),
( '', 'PrimeHarbor Technologies, Inc.', 'Consulting firm specializing in OpenSource tools and languages. Expertise in MySQL, Apache, qmail, perl, python, java, C/C++, and kylix. Atlanta, Georgia.'),
( '', 'VI Document Generator', 'VidGen bridges the gap between Databases and Dynamically Printed Documents with use of SVG, PHP, and mySQL. Input SVG and export various script formats like: Xerox VIPP, SOLscript, PDFlib-PDI or PreS. Or merge to PDF, PS, PPML, VPS, PCL or W3C SVGprint.'),
( '', 'CollegeFund Software', 'Develops QuarkXTensions and AppleScripts developed for QuarkXPress. Also offers software development, training and consulting for the publishing industry. As well as web-based development using Perl, PHP and MySQL.'),
( '', 'Useful Computer Info', 'Tutorials for windows, active server pages, mysql, fonts and search engine optimization.'),
( '', 'Mysqlhelpster', 'Provides help with Mysql, Php, Html and Javascript.'),
( '', 'RapidWeb', 'A web hosting service offers an open-source MySQL-based content management system.'),
( '', '', 'Offering free WordPress blogs. Full FTP and MySQL access. No ads required on hosted pages.'),
( '', 'b2', 'A news/ weblog tool (aka logware). Requires a server that can run PHP4, and a MySQL database. Freeware.'),
( '', 'Monaural Jerk', 'Free, open-source PHP/MySQL weblog system. Includes calendar navigation, "edit this page", searching, channels, RSS, XML, tell-a-friend, and spider-friendly URLs.'),
( '', 'Scoop', 'Free collaborative media software for running community web logs . Requires Perl, mod_perl, and MySQL.'),
( '', 'b2evolution', 'Full featured PHP/ mySQL weblog tool. Supports multiple categories, sub-catgeories, multiple weblogs, skins, statistics, comments, anti-spam filters.'),
( '', 'Geeklog', 'Free open-source blog tool. Runs on many different operating systems and uses PHP4 and MySQL.'),
( '', 'Thingamablog', 'A cross-platform, standalone application for authoring and publishing weblogs. It will work on any platform on which Java can run. Thingamablog does not require a third-party blogging host, a CGI/PHP enabled web server, or a MySQL database. The only requirement to setup and manage a blog is FTP access to a web server.'),
( '', 'boastMachine', 'PHP/MySQL powered blogging platform.'),
( '', 'BLOG:CMS', 'Blogware requires PHP and MySQL. Features include weblog, forum, wiki, news aggregator, and photo gallery.'),
( '', 'Presstopia', 'Open source ASP.NET weblog application. Supports MySQL, MS Access, MS SQL Serve, Atom 0.3, RSS 2.0 feeds, multiple authors, comment, trackbacks, update pings.'),
( '', 'Wheatblog', 'A lightweight, open source, customizable blogging and content management solution powered by PHP and MySQL or SQLite.'),
( '', 'GIDForums', 'Webmaster community that discusses issues on hosting, website design, and PHP/MySQL coding.'),
( '', 'Click-IT', 'Low cost readymade dynamic websites with database and full content management facilities, plus bespoke PHP and mySQL programming services.'),
( '', 'Dhishna Technologies', 'Offers design using ASP, SML, Flash, Photoshop, PHP, Mysql and Java. Based in Kerala, India.');

  `counter_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `max_doc_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`counter_id`)

INSERT INTO `sph_counter` (`counter_id`, `max_doc_id`) VALUES
(1, 1);

– Config sphinx

mkdir -p /server/sphinx/data
chown -R sphinx /server/sphinx
mv  /etc/sphinx/sphinx.conf /etc/sphinx/sphinx.conf.old
vi /etc/sphinx/sphinx.conf
# Sphinx configuration file sample
# WARNING! While this sample file mentions all available options,
# it contains (very) short helper descriptions only. Please refer to
# doc/sphinx.html for details.
# OR

## data source definition for sites

source sites
	# data source type. mandatory, no default value
	# known types are mysql, pgsql, mssql, xmlpipe, xmlpipe2, odbc
	type					= mysql

	## SQL settings (for 'mysql' and 'pgsql' types)

	# some straightforward parameters for SQL source types
	sql_host				= localhost
	sql_user				= root
	sql_pass				= rootpass
	sql_db					= Sample_DB
	#sql_port				= 3306	# optional, default is 3306
	sql_query_pre   		= SET SESSION query_cache_type=OFF
	#update counter
	sql_query_pre 			= REPLACE INTO sph_counter SELECT 1, MAX(id) FROM sites

	# main document fetch query
	# mandatory, integer document ID field MUST be the first selected column 
	sql_query				= 	SELECT  id,url ,Title,Description FROM sites \
                                WHERE   id<=( SELECT max_doc_id FROM sph_counter WHERE counter_id=1 )

    sql_ranged_throttle		= 0


## sitesDelta source definition

source sitesDelta : sites
    sql_query_pre   	= 	SET SESSION query_cache_type=OFF
	sql_query			= 	SELECT  id,url ,Title,Description FROM sites \
							WHERE   id > ( SELECT max_doc_id FROM sph_counter WHERE counter_id=1 )


## sites index definition

# local index example
# this is an index which is stored locally in the filesystem
# all indexing-time options (such as morphology and charsets)
# are configured per local index
index sites
	# document source(s) to index
	# multi-value, mandatory
	# document IDs must be globally unique across all sources
	source			= sites

	# index files path and file name, without extension
	# mandatory, path must be writable, extensions will be auto-appended
	path			= /server/sphinx/data/sites

	# minimum indexed word length
	# default is 1 (index everything)
	min_word_len		= 3

	# minimum word infix length to index
	# optional, default is 0 (do not index infixes)
	min_infix_len		= 3

	# enable star-syntax (wildcards) when searching prefix/infix indexes
	# known values are 0 and 1
	# optional, default is 0 (do not use wildcard syntax)
	enable_star		= 1

	#enable chinese search
	ngram_len                                      = 1

## sitesDelta index definition

index sitesDelta : sites
	# document source(s) to index
	# multi-value, mandatory
	# document IDs must be globally unique across all sources
	source			= sitesDelta

	# index files path and file name, without extension
	# mandatory, path must be writable, extensions will be auto-appended
	path			= /server/sphinx/data/sitesDelta

	# minimum indexed word length
	# default is 1 (index everything)
	min_word_len		= 3

	# minimum word infix length to index
	# optional, default is 0 (do not index infixes)
	min_infix_len		= 3

	# enable star-syntax (wildcards) when searching prefix/infix indexes
	# known values are 0 and 1
	# optional, default is 0 (do not use wildcard syntax)
	enable_star		= 1

	#enable chinese search
	ngram_len                                      = 1



## indexer settings

	# memory limit, in bytes, kiloytes (16384K) or megabytes (256M)
	# optional, default is 32M, max is 2047M, recommended is 256M to 1024M
	mem_limit			= 32M     


## searchd settings

	# hostname, port, or hostname:port, or /unix/socket/path to listen on
	# multi-value, multiple listen points are allowed
	# optional, default is (listen on all interfaces, port 9312)
	# listen				=
	# listen				=
	# listen				= 9312

	compat_sphinxql_magics = 0

	# log file, searchd run info is logged here
	# optional, default is 'searchd.log'
	log				= /var/log/searchd.log

	# query log file, all search queries are logged here
	# optional, default is empty (do not log queries)
	query_log			= /var/log/query.log

	# client read timeout, seconds
	# optional, default is 5
	read_timeout		= 5

	# request timeout, seconds
	# optional, default is 5 minutes
	client_timeout		= 300

	# maximum amount of children to fork (concurrent searches to run)
	# optional, default is 0 (unlimited)
	max_children		= 30

	# PID file, searchd process ID file name
	# mandatory
	pid_file			= /var/log/

	# max amount of matches the daemon ever keeps in RAM, per-index
	# default is 1000 (just like Google)
	max_matches			= 1000

	# seamless rotate, prevents rotate stalls if precaching huge datasets 
	# optional, default is 1
	seamless_rotate		= 1

	# whether to forcibly preopen all indexes on startup
	# optional, default is 0 (do not preopen)
	preopen_indexes		= 0

	# whether to unlink .old index copies on succesful rotation.
	# optional, default is 1 (do unlink)
	unlink_old			= 1

	# crash log path
	# searchd will (try to) log crashed query to 'crash_log_path.PID' file
	# optional, default is empty (do not create crash logs)
	#crash_log_path		= /server/log/sphinx/crash


# --eof--

– Create indexes

/usr/bin/indexer --all
chown -R sphinx /server/sphinx

– Start Sphinx

/etc/init.d/searchd start

– Run a test search for word ‘mysql’

/usr/bin/search mysql

– Search using PHP
– Get sphinxapi.php : Sphinx comes with a PHP implementation of searchd client API. You can find it at api/sphinxapi.php in the root of the sphinx source tarball (tar.gz).


$q = trim( html_entity_decode( $_GET['q'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') ) ;

$sphx = sphinx_search($q, 0, 20);
//print_r( $sphx );

if( empty($sphx['ids']) )
    die('No Results');

$ids = $sphx['ids'];

$sql =  "SELECT `id`, `url`, `Title`, `Description`
            FROM `sites`
            WHERE  `id` in ( {$ids}  )
            ORDER BY FIELD(`id`, {$ids} )";
if(  !($r = mysql_query($sql)))
    die("[MYSQL]".mysql_error() . mysql_errno() );
$max = $sphx['total'];
$num_rows = $sphx['docs'];

echo "<b>Displaying {$num_rows} results of {$max}</b>


while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($r) ) {
    echo "<a href=\"http://{$row['url']}\">{$row['Title']}</a>
<hr />";    
 * SPHINX Search

 * Search sites by Keywords using sphinx; with an option to search sites tags only
 * @param string $q te keyword
 * @param int $i id of the first result to return
 * @param int $max max results to return
 * @param bollen $url set to true to return matches from the 'url' column only
 * @return string $ids comma seperated list of ids
function sphinx_search($q, $i, $limit, $url=false){
        require_once 'sphinxapi.php';
        $ids = '';
        $cl = new SphinxClient();
        $cl->SetServer( "localhost" , 9312);
        $cl->SetMatchMode( SPH_MATCH_EXTENDED  );
        $cl->SetSortMode ( SPH_SORT_RELEVANCE );
        $cl->SetFieldWeights(array('url' => 3000, 'Title' => 300, 'Description' => 30 ));
        $cl->SetLimits( $i , $limit);
        $q = $cl->EscapeString( $q);
        //search url only
        $q = $url ? "@url {$q}" : $q;
        $result = $cl->Query( $q, 'sites sitesDelta' );

        if ( $result === false )
                error_log( '[SPHINX]Query failed: ' . $cl->GetLastError() );
        elseif ( $cl->GetLastWarning() ) 
                error_log( '[SPHINX]WARNING: ' .  $cl->GetLastWarning() );
        if ( !empty($result["matches"]) ){
            foreach ( $result["matches"] as $doc => $docinfo ) 
                 $ids .= "$doc,";
            $ids = substr( $ids, 0, -1 );
           return false;
       return  array( 'ids' => $ids, 'total' => $result['total'], 'docs' => count($result["matches"])  );


 * Connect to MySQL
function db(){
    if( !empty($GLOBALS['db']) ) return true;
    if( !$GLOBALS['db'] = mysql_connect('localhost', 'root', 'rootpass' ) ) {
        die("[MYSQL]".mysql_error() . mysql_errno() );
    elseif(!mysql_select_db('Sample_DB')) {
        die("[MYSQL]".mysql_error() . mysql_errno() );

– Run sphinx.php*mysql

– Create script to rotate delta indexes

vi /server/
if [ -z "$(/sbin/pidof indexer)" ]
    		/usr/bin/indexer  sitesDelta  --rotate;

– add cron job

chmod +x /server/
crontab -e
#rotate delta index every 30 min
*/30  *  *  *  * /server/ > /dev/null 2>&1

– To merge indexes run

/usr/bin/indexer --merge sites sitesDelta --rotate;

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