My own topics
Install a private docker registry on your cloud with letsencrypt certificates in a few easy steps. The shell script will install docker and letsencrypt, generate the certificate, then mount it to the docker registry. Additionally it will create a test user for basic authentication.
Ansible role for deploying and running a Golang binary as a systemd service
- Copy the files into your playbook and set the service_name and base_path to your application.
- The service uses rsyslog to create error.log and access.log.
- Logrotate config included.
- Handles Beego framework logging.
This is an alternative to native SendMail() function that requires authentication in Golang. The function is part of Go Helpers library available on github.
Recently I posted about Varnish with secure AWS S3 bucket as backend and I wanted to have the “always online” enabled, meaning you can take the backend offline while serving from Varnish cache.
Using will install solr with a init.d file which will work well as a service but will not restart on crash. So this ansible script should install solr as a service using systemd: