
AWS PHP Service Discovery

Service Discovery is a simple PHP command to collect and store AWS information such as EC2s and RDSs in the current region and save them with their credentials into an encrypted JSON file on S3. The script later notifies each service via SSH and executes the service discovery client on each instance. Each client downloads the JSON file and uses it to configure different applications. It can easily be automated through Rundeck or Jenkins to be executed after each deploy.

Service Discovery is part of AWS PHP Commands.


> php console.php aws:services:discover -h
  aws:services:discover [options]

  -f, --forceNotify[=FORCENOTIFY]          Force Notify [default: false]
  -e, --notifyOnly[=NOTIFYONLY]            Notify only one of dev,prod [default: false]
  -c, --continueOnError[=CONTINUEONERROR]  Continue to next EC2 on client failure [default: false]
  -h, --help                               Display this help message
  -q, --quiet                              Do not output any message
  -V, --version                            Display this application version
      --ansi                               Force ANSI output
      --no-ansi                            Disable ANSI output
  -n, --no-interaction                     Do not ask any interactive question
  -v|vv|vvv, --verbose                     Increase the verbosity of messages: 1 for normal output, 2 for more verbose output and 3 for debug

 Discovers services information and credentials.

  • Required Environment Variables
  • Services Credentials:
  • \AwsPhpCommands\ServiceDiscovery\ServiceDiscoveryCommand::S3_BUCKET is the S3 bucket name.
  • \AwsPhpCommands\ServiceDiscovery\ServiceDiscoveryCommand::$WHITE_LIST_CIDRS contains a whitelist of IP ranges.
  • Services Discovery Client:
  • Example JSON
      "servicesInfo": {
        "ec2s": {
          "instance-name-prod": [
              "id": "i-62882e2f",
              "name": "instance-name-prod",
              "keyName": "key-example",
              "publicIp": "",
              "privateIp": "",
              "securityGroup": "group_prod",
              "vpcId": "vpc-cd4x23ef",
              "tags": {
                "Name": "instance-name-prod"
              "credentials": {
                "someService": {
                  "username": "user_prod",
                  "password": "prod_pass"
        "rdss": {
          "rds-name-prod": {
            "id": "rds-name-prod",
            "name": "rds-name-prod",
            "endpoint": "",
            "securityGroup": "sg-2b2c86fd",
            "port": 3306,
            "credentials": {
              "dbOne": {
                "username": "user_prod",
                "dbName": "db_prod",
                "password": "prod_pass"
              "dbTwo": {
                "username": "user_prod",
                "dbName": "db_prod",
                "password": "prod_pass"
        "servicesCredentials": {
          "instance-name-prod": {
            "someService": {
              "username": "user_prod",
              "password": "prod_pass"
          "instance-name-dev": {
            "someService": {
              "username": "user_dev",
              "password": "dev_pass"
          "rds-name-prod": {
            "dbOne": {
              "username": "user_prod",
              "dbName": "db_prod",
              "password": "prod_pass"
            "dbTwo": {
              "username": "user_prod",
              "dbName": "db_prod",
              "password": "prod_pass"
          "rds-name-dev": {
            "dbOne": {
              "username": "user_dev",
              "dbName": "db_dev",
              "password": "dev_pass"
            "dbTwo": {
              "username": "user_dev",
              "dbName": "db_dev",
              "password": "dev_pass"
        "publicIps": [
        "privateIps": [
        "whiteListCidrs": [